Thursday, 29 June 2017

My Studyladder Progress Report

My Studyladder Progress Report 29 June 2017

This is My Room

Screenshot 2017-06-29 at 10.18.52.png

I have 19,822 points.

I have 2,381 dollars.

I am good at doing Literacy.

I am learning to be good at multiplication.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Snapchat warning for children.

“Edgewater TV News”

hello my name is jordan from EW3 TV.

 This week Snapchat announced its update called Snapmap that shares their location to friends.Netsafe is warning people to be careful when sharing their location online.
Snapchat warning for children.June 26, 2017
Snapchat has updated its location sharing information and experts have said this could be dangerous for children.This week Snapchat announced its update called Snap Map which allows users to broadcast their location to their friends on the app. Netsafe NZ have issued a warning saying that the new location sharing update on the popular social media app Snapchat can be dangerous for young people.
Netsafe is a group set up to identify and informs New Zealanders about Internet Safety.
Snapchat  say that users can opt to turn off sharing their location and go in ghost mode.
But Netsafe said that the update still posed a risk for young people as it enables people to find the exact location of others users.
The minimum age for Snapchat users is 13 years old.

Hello I'm back

Hello I'm back for 2017. I have shrunken down but I grew backup again.

Image result for non copyright shrunk down