Monday, 23 May 2016

My Reward Points Spreadsheet

Happy-Oval by Korrawl

Edgewater 3 have been learning about addition in our Maths classes. To help us add up our daily points we have made spreadsheets. We publish our Points on our blogs to show our our friends and family how hard we are working at school.

Click the "My Points" Page Tab above or the link below to look at my points.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Headway Pet Project

                            A.  Making Choices                            

Choose a pet you would like to have or look after and say why you chose it.
Our class visited Animates Pet Shop to help us learn about what would be a good pet to have and what things we would need to buy or get to keep the pets happy and healthy. 

Today we went to animates in Glen Innes. There was one dog getting washed with it’s owner. I had fun at animates.

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If I could chose any pet to have or look after I would pick a hamster for my pet because they are cute and fluffy. You can get them toys and stuff to help them be fit and have fun.

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Visit to the petshop


We went to Animates in Glen Innes. There was one dog getting washed with it’s owner. I had fun at animates.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Blotch Character Outline

I’m gonna make a story with my blotch art.

This is  Cucumberman

Tiny voice.
His body is very old
He stomps very loud when he walks.
He limps when he walks.
He eats anyone that annoys him.
His mood is grumpy

This is hot dog

He is always happy.      
His voice is high.
His body is young.
He flies high in the sky.
He eats annoying neighbours.
He makes elephant noises.